
The Coin's Edge Teeters, Part One.
Choreography by Rebecca Rubenstein on Vimeo.
Interdisiplinary Seminar, Speacial Guest. Humboldt State University, Arcata, Califorina, 2007.


42nd Street Opening Number.
Choreography by Rebecca Rubenstein on Vimeo.
South Bay Musical Theatre, Saratoga, California, 2011.


42nd Street You're Getting to be a Habit With Me.
Choreography by Rebecca Rubenstein on Vimeo.
South Bay Musical Theatre, Saratoga, California, 2011.


42nd Street Dames Part 1
Choreography by Rebecca Rubenstein on Vimeo.
South Bay Musical Theatre, Saratoga, California, 2011.


42nd Street Dames Part 2
Choreography by Rebecca Rubenstein on Vimeo.
South Bay Musical Theatre, Saratoga, Califorina, 2011.


While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Choreography by Rebecca Rubenstein on Vimeo.
HeartBeat Dance Acaedemy, Belmont, California, 2011.